PAP Update and Guideline Meeting

The EuPAPNet research project at the Ruhrlandklinik Since 1978, we have been treating one of the world’s largest collectives of 75 patients at the Ruhrlandklinik in Essen and have developed into a reference centre for this disease. The main goal of our research project EuPAPNet is to collect clinical data of the patients we treat […]
Resources for doctors

Literature about alveolar proteinosis Under this Link (PDF) you will find a list of the most important publications on alveolar proteinosis, sorted in chronological order.

LINKS We are regularly on the web and looking for new important and great websites. Here you will find our link collection, which we have compiled for you. Associations Patients and Parents’ associations. AIMIP Hits: 18 Italian web site dedicated to interstitial lung disease. MAGI Foundation Hits: 5 The International Association of Medical Genetics “MAGI” […]